Wednesday 11 May 2016

Pork tenderloin with cheese and paprika sauce

Today's recipe is very simple, you can it prepare very fast and is delicious. You can prepare it with any kind of meat, but pork tenderloin result great because it is very juicy.

Ingredients for 2 people:
- 1 pork tenderloin
- 1 jar of cream cheese with manchego cheese
- Sweet paprika
- Black pepper
- Olive oil

- If you bought the whole tenderloin, clean it by removing the excess skin.
- Cut into medallions about 1/2 cm.
- Sprinkle some black pepper on tenderloin medallions.
- In a pan with a drizzle of olive oil, fry over medium heat until golden.
- In a saucepan, pour the cream cheese with manchego cheese and heat over low heat.
- Serve the tenderloins and pour over cream cheese.
- Sprinkle some sweet paprika over to taste.

Bon appetit!

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