Thursday 12 November 2015

Surimi cake in microwave

This one is just as versatile cake than the zucchini one that we show recently, you can do it in advance, and is very tasty!

- 10 surimi crab sticks
- 2 eggs
- Spreadable cheese 80g
- 2.46 oz of semi-skimmed milk
- 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
- 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley
- Black pepper
- Salt

- In a large bowl, beat the eggs and add the spreadable cheese, crab sticks, milk, garlic, parsley, a little black pepper and a little salt.
- Mix well using a whisk until you have a smooth dough slightly.
- Pour the mixture into a silicone mold and cook in the microwave at 900W for 5 minutes.
- Check with a toothpick that the cake is done, if not, put it in the microwave again and check every 30 seconds if it's done.
- Leave a few minutes and unmold.

Bon appetit!

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