Thursday 7 August 2014

Stuffed tomatoes

Today I bring you a simple recipe for the weekend, you probably already have all the ingredients at home, so you should be encouraged to do it!

Ingredients for 2 servings:
- 4 ripe tomatoes
- 5.29 ounces of minced meat
- 2.82 ounces sliced ​​mushrooms
- ½ onion
- ½ garlic
- 1 sheet of lettuce for garnish
- Salt
- Ground black pepper
- Oregano
- Olive oil

- Wash the tomatoes and cut the top (the upper cover should be of 0.4 inches approximately).
- Using a spoon, gradually remove the tomato pulp and leave it empty and reserve it on a plate.
- Split in cubes the onion, mushrooms and garlic.
- In a pan put a dash of oil and add the onion until it is golden at over medium heat.
- Add the mushrooms and minced meat.
- Take a little salt, black pepper, oregano and tomato pulp and stir again until all are well blended.
- Once everything is golden, place the tomatoes on plates and begin to fill with the meat mixture.
- Finally, cut the tops of the tomatoes into 4 equal pieces and lettuce in trips to decorate the other two corners of the plate as in the photo.

*Tip: If you want, you can add a bit of mozzarella over the tomatoes and grill in the oven until cheese is melted.

Bon appétit!

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