Thursday 8 September 2016

Timbale of foie, apple and goat cheese

Today's recipe is a bit more special than the usual for the ingredients that it has. I decided to do it because my parents gave me a packet of foie, they know that I love (thank you very much!;-)), and wanted to eat it in a different way. And we love it!

Ingredients for a timbale:
- 1.8 oz of fresh foie
- 1/2 golden apple
- 1/2 roller goat cheese
- Olive oil

- Wash and cut the apple in half, remove the heart and with the help of a mandolin, cut thin slices.
- In a bowl, place the apple wedges and pour a drizzle of olive oil.
- Cook them in the microwave for a minute and a half to soften at 360W.
- Using mandolin, cut thin slices of foie and goat cheese.
- Place a metal ring to serve and begin to place a layer of apple, then another foie thicker, another apple, another goat cheese and the last of apple.

Bon appetit!

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