Friday 13 May 2016

Croquettes of cheese and onion

Today we have a version of the classic croquettes, with an original touch to stuffed with cheese and onion, which give a very mild flavor, perfect for even the smallest of the house.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
- 9 level tablespoons of flour
- 6 tablespoons of olive oil
- 700 ml of semi-skimmed milk
- 1 medium red onion
- 125 grams of cheese 
- 1 egg
- Cookie chopped with garlic and parsley
- 1 pinch cinnamon
- Salt

- Peel and cut the onion into small cubes.
- Grate the cheese with a grater.
- In a pan, pour a tablespoon of olive oil and fry the onion until soft.
- In another large skillet, pour the remaining oil and add the flour, stirring continuously until golden brown.
- Gradually add milk while you stir the bechamel until it begins to thicken.
- Sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon and salt.
- Keep stirring until the bechamel begins to bubble (without allowing it to boil) and remove from heat.
- Add the onion and grated cheese and stir until blended.
- Put the bechamel on a platter and let it temper at room temperature.
- Then cover the dish with aluminum foil and store in the fridge for 3 hours.
- Remove the dough from the fridger and begin to form croquettes.
- Pass them in beaten egg and then chopped cookie.
- Fry the croquettes in a pan with hot olive oil until golden.
- Put them on a plate with paper towel to remove excess oil.

Bon appetit!

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