Thursday 19 January 2017

Tartlets of canons, cheese and pine nuts

Today we want to show you this appetizer, which is very good to know because it takes too little to prepare and is very rich. It's great when you have surprise guests!

- 10 tartlets
- Canons
- 30 pinions
- Cured Sheep Cheese 
- Olive oil

- Cut the cheese into small pieces and place in a saucepan with a pinch of water.
- Heat on low heat until you see that the cheese is melting.
- Remove to mix well and form a soft and light cream.
- In another pan with a few drops of oil, also heat at low heat two handfuls of canons until they lose their volume.
- In another different pan, fry the pine nuts without any oil until they are slightly golden.
- Finally, fill the tartlets with a teaspoon of cream cheese, a teaspoon of canons and 3 pine nuts.

Bon appétit!

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